Behind my Eyes (Singer Songwriter-Projekt/Hannover)

Neutral Ground Brass Band (New Orleans Funk/Amsterdam)

The wet air sticks to your skin like glue… another shower would be nice. But that’s just the way it is in New Orleans, Louisiana on this Saturday afternoon. There’s noise and people shouting… around the corner is a big crowd of people and in the middle of this group are two Indian tribes, facing off. At the very centre there are two beautifully dressed up creatures: the chiefs. As the two tribes stomp their feet, play their tambourines and shout their chants, a confrontation seems inevitable. The adrenalin rises and the tension in the air affects everyone.Between the two chiefs is a space, a couple of meters wide, called ’neutral ground‘, across which the two tribe-leaders battle over the most important question there is: who is the more beautiful?This Mardi Gras tradition inspired the name of the Neutral Ground Brass Band, a group which sees itself as a meeting-point for musicians with different nationalities and musical backgrounds.
The Idea was initiated by bandleader Bernhard Hollinger who had been thrilled by his stay in New Orleans and its magic moments. Returning to Amsterdam, he could think of nothing else than sharing this experience with his folks back in Europe.Inspired by the tradition of New Orleans music and the brass band culture, Neutral Ground Brass Band understands its musical background
and defines its own sound, especially in its own compositions.In a very short time (the band was formed in February 2013) the Neutral
Ground Brass Band has started a ‚buzz‘ around Holland and Germany. Several tours and concerts in Amsterdam’s Melkweg and
Concertgebouw were the high points in 2013. 2014? You’d better watch out!


„Behind My Eyes“ steht für das Solo-Projekt des Singer/Songwriters Marcel „Kiwi“ Kriwitzky.
Derzeit spielt er Solo, sowie mit seiner aktuellen Band unter diesem Künstlernamen.
Er wählt den Namen, da seine Songs textlich sehr persönlich sind,
mit anderen Worten, er lässt uns hinter seine Augen schauen.
Seine Musik bewegt sich zwischen melancholischem „Folk „und vom „Blues“ geprägtem „Folk-Rock“. „

Außerdem ist er Mitglied der Band „Heavyplastic“.
Zusammen mit seinem Cousin (Dennis Bredou) schreibt und produziert er die Songs.

Der gebürtige Hamelner beginnt schon in jungen Jahren sich für die Musik zu interessieren, lernt verschiedene Instrumente und schreibt erste Songs.

Bereits im Jahr 2012 veröffentlicht er sein erstes Solo-Album im Internet, allerdings unter dem Namen „Marcel Kiwi“.